Wednesday 13 June 2012


Today i want to congrats to all friends who manage to get a good and excellence result.
I feel very envy with you all because in my training centre,we dont have pointer like you all in universities
For those who regret with their result,please dont kill yourself because it is just the beginning of your life. Take all this as the challenge and do better next time.

Monday 11 June 2012

Blue's World

Let's enjoy this song. It really helps to reduce our stress.
If you want more,you can just sing by following the lyrics that had shown in the video..

If you enjoyed it,dont forget to replay..
I'm blue da ba dee dabba da-ee.

or your information..Blue colour means ROMANTIC..
It's freaking hot.!!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Stand up and live again

The sky isn’t always blue.
The sun doesn’t always shine. 
So it’s okay to cry sometimes.
Don’t be scared, you don’t need to pretend that everything is fine.
Let it go, cry if you must, , go on.
Let it drain you.
Pour out everything, let your heart mourn, let it hurt until it hurt no more.
And once you gain strength, stand up again, dry the tears, pick up the pieces and live again.

Saturday 9 June 2012

People's opinion

what is the meaning of naughty.?Naughty Boy is better than Bad boy right..