Saturday 23 July 2011


ap yg bez nyer couple erk..?anyone can tell me..sepanjang 18 thun ak ni..x prnh pun couple n prefer simpan kat hatie je..coz i think couple need a big sacrifice n investment bg laki ar..base on my frenz,dyeorg slalu kne kongkong ngan awek dyeorg..klu x blaz mcj or call..siap ar dyeorg..kne mara ar,klu x pun awek dyeorg yg touching...GEDIK...n onemore thing,JEALOUS...tat the suck ever..klu still leh ctrl ok ar..if not,nk jalan ngan pempuan len even dak klaz pun x leh..mcm2 tuduhan yg kite kne..huhhh..tat all je komen ak psal kopel a conclusion,kaalu nk couple find the right one..bcoz she/he will be our companion 4 the whole life..

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