Sunday 27 November 2011


if u want to awake someone for praying especially subuh..never ever call them..just send a message..bcoz they might scold u bcoz u disturb them from sleeping..BUT they will wake up to perform their responsibility after they scolded u..alhamdulillah..if u just send a message,they wont scold u,but will they wake up or realized that u send a message..??i think the answer is,the percentage for them to wake up is lesser than call them...pity for those who WAS scolded...

Saturday 19 November 2011

member indon

aduh..ase nyesal lak aku gtau kat kat sorang dak pempuan dri indon ni..aku knl dye from my second fb..fb tu aku wat tuk maen game..n add orng random juz..slagi ada suggestion kat tepi tu,ak add je..nk2 lak mase bosan..dah cam habit...then,orng yg slalu tegur ak dalm fb tu dye ar..dye chat dalam bhase indon..ak lak cube memahami..walaupun best doe dpt kawn cam tu..pelik tapi leh belaja sesuatu dri dye..start from our 1st chat,dye dh panggil ak "abang"..pelik je..padahal sama umur je..maybe tu care dyeorng respect lelaki..the reason ak gtau dye my true fb sbb x nak jdi penipu,juz jujur..mule2 dye cam mara..last2 ok lak..ntah ar..n now skng dye post kat wall aku lak..confem aku kne bahan...HABIS LAH AKU..!!!anyway,dye tetap kawan,kne ar fair..

Sunday 13 November 2011


now i want to share with u all about this incidence in my clazz..ada sorng mamat ni duk sebelah aku mase dalam klaz..then,mse tu break,aku bukak ar note aku jap..then dye ternmpk lak note ak conteng dalam modul tu...note yang aku copy paste kat slide instructor..ada yang ak tulis..and ada yang ak lukis...modul ni name dye Basic Aerodynamic..mamat ni cmmnt pasl lukisan venturi tube aku..yang pasal airflow..bernoulli's principle..of course ar korang ingat lagi kan..?mse physics form 5..lukisan aku tu agak buruk sbb nk cpt..dialog kteorng:-

mamat: asl gmbar kau tu buruk sgt.?
aku: bia ar..aku lukis tuk aku tgok n aku yg fham.
mamat: dah tu t camne aku nk fhm doe tgok ni..
aku: aku lukis ni bukan tuk diri aku..kau tu kalu nk cantek lukis ar sendiri..kau tu yg x nk lukis mse instructor ajar..
mamat: aritu x sempat kot..
aku: dah spe suh kau tido..aku dh kejut kau kan.?so,tu salah kau..
mamat: camni ar kawan..x nk tolong orang lain...(perli)
aku: dun blame other..kalu kau tido mse tu..kau ptt tolong diri kau..jgn arap orng lain tolong kau..skali skala tu logik n stilll leh consider..
mamat: yelah..skng aku knl kau..bukan jeniss nk tolong kawn...xpe ar...
aku: suke atie kau ar nk ckp pe pun...

so,jge2 ar kalu korang ada kawn camtu..bhaye doe..too rely on others..


tadi aku ada conflict sikit ngn roomate aku..citer dye camni..dye bru balik dari kerja part,mse dye masuk bilik..aku mintak maaf sebb ptng td aku buat sabun dye tertumpah..then,ada sorng lg housemate ak dtng..ckp awek(salah satu) dye post kat wall dye..kiteorng gurau je..sje nk kencing dye..disebbkan laptop dye tinggal n fb x log,aku lak yang kne tuduh and marah...sbb before ni aku pernah hijack fb dye..aku lak selalu maen laptop,ak suspek utame..then aku cakap ak x buat pun...then dye still nk emo..mse tu ak tgh maen game,ak bia je lar dye bebel sorng..laz2 mse dye log in fb dye.. jumpe pun post tu..then dye tnyer ak ape..?ak still ckp x buat pape2...dalam hati aku"mmg memalukan ar salah tuduh ni"..aku lantak,buat x tau..sampai skng x bertegur lg..ak kalu orng nk cari gado...aku x kan lawan balik or gi mintak,ak prefer bia kan je..lantak ar..bukan effect pun idup ni kurang sorng..lgpun ak bukan jenis cam dyeorng yg depend sgt kawan tuk idup..lazly,aku arap still leh berbaek2..but care tu bia cam automatik..due2 belah x yah mntak maaf..then,t terbaek ngan sendiri..n anggp nothing is happened..

Sunday 6 November 2011


hajat x kesampaian nk kerja part time..just now i asked permission from my dad to do part time job weekend with my friends at felda catering...then,he didnt give me the permission...!!!ni smue gara2 magic word ayah ak "tunggu dulu"...saba je lar..maybe ayah ak ad fikir sesuatu yg lebih baik tuk ak...

Thursday 3 November 2011


esk result math kuar...sir Yusof told us..3 orng fail..i hope im not one of mse blaja physics lg gler doe...gyroscope...ap tu..?1st time dgr..even td mse sir husain ad tunjuk vdeo ap tu gyroscope..but i still cant understnd completely..but i will try to understnd it..if not,how to be a LAE..?LAE kne ar lg gempak n pick up dri technician kot..klu x,jd loser n memalukan je lar..btw,esk balik umah to celebrate aidiladha..tiket bas lak kul 7.45pm..mmg kne rushing ar n gi pekeliling tu..sbb balik dri METC dh kul 5.25pm..then nk ambik brng n tkar bju dh kul 6pm..klu bas rapid kl wat problem mmg siot ar..tu yg pling cuak..sbb klu bas dri ara lambat,so nk sampai pekeliling confirm ar lmbt..insyallah esk smue nyer ok...

Wednesday 2 November 2011

1st exam

alhamdulillah..ari ni bru pas jawb exam modul 1:mathematics...ermmm..simple gak yg tkut nyer careless..i juz hope i can pass it..sbb even ak cemerlang mcm mne pun..result cume ada PASS or FAIL..harap kali ni pass...effort still penting even nk pass je..klu fail mmg trouble ar...leceh gler procedure nk re-exam..nex week lak exam modul 2:physics..yg ni mmg ak cuak gler..sbb dlm klaz dh lar mamai...x dgr pape pun mse sir ajar..nk revise lak ad yg x phm..especially pasl FORCE...mmg parah abis ar..