Saturday 14 June 2014

Malacca River International Marathon 2014 Report

           Hello guys,another podium finishing(10th place) for me last Sunday. It just another lucky day for me. For this event,I ran Half Marathon only due to last minute registration. I was given one month to train for this. I know that this duration is not enough for me but I have to challenge myself this time. I can say the route is flat all the way,the hilly side only when we have to cross the river through the bridge. However, for my category started at 6.30am(delayed 15min) which is too late because Hot sun coming out soon..I finished about 8.30am, that time, the weather can boil an
Receiving the prize from organiser

A shot with the coach. He left me behind about 12min.
Have to train harder to make the diff closer.

with fellow friends from same AC Training Club

Relax at medical tent..Thanks for the icing medic,we need it badly..

My next race will be Kuching Half Marthon on 17th August 2014. Hope my target is achieved.

Monday 2 June 2014

Road to Malacca HM 2014

          At first memang dah x nak masuk race sebab dah nak puasa. Untuk apalah training penat2 tapi nanti bulan puasa rehat kaw2. Confirm fitness will back to zero. Tapi daftar jugak Malacca Half Marathon yang akan berlangsung 8 June 2014. Al-kisah nya masa pergi Sundown Malaysia 2014 Press Conference, Jolene Hong dan Edan Syah pulak ajak masuk event ni. So,rasa cam satu penghargaan pulak sebab diaorang ajak ni, hotel pun dah book,tinggal nak pergi ke x je lagi..Last2, daftar lah jugak..

     Matlamat aku kali ni sekurang-kurang nya nak lari 21km dalam masa kurang dari 1 Jam 30 min, tapi masih harap dapat padam rekod lama 1Jam 29min 02 saat. Minggu ini merupakan minggu persediaan terakhir, Recovery week. Tapi disebabkan aku dah ponteng training session aku masa weekend,harus lah diganti balik. Papapun kena work hard sampai rabu,selepas itu boleh lah rehat dan bersedia untuk acara yang bakal berlangsung pada 8 Jun 2014, ahad di Padang Pahlawan nanti.